Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sir Isaac Newton's secret life

This documentary reveals the secret life of Sir Isaac Newton. According to some of his documents and notes, which was concealed from the public for more than 200 years, Sir Isaac Newton was an Alchemist and a Heretic for a considerable part of his life.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Love and Immune System

Dr. Amit Goswami, quantum physicist, also known as the "Quantum Activist," believes quantum physics is applicable to matters beyond the material world. In this video, he explains why romantic love has always been associated with heart, and goes on to claim that falling in love is actually a matter of compatibility of immune systems of individuals.

Technology and Magic

This is one entertaining video that demonstrates how modern technology can help create great magic shows. Technology has always been an integral part of all magic shows. However, most of the technologies used for magic are quite primitive( the technology of the 1800s). Marco Tempest is one of the pioneers, who uses modern 21st century technology to create magic. The modern technology actually makes magic easier for a magician than what it used to be. In fact, I imagine that Marco Tempest spends more time writing codes or programs for his magic, than thinking or practicing it. But, use of modern technology has certainly made his magic more interesting than the age old hat tricks that we get to see from most other magicians.